
 We have many groups that run activities at least once a month and these include:

Art, Architecture and Interiors

Talks, tours or exhibitions relating to art, architecture or interiors.

Book Groups

Four separate groups get-together once a month to discuss a chosen book. Discussions are fun and low key.


A daytime and an evening group meets each week.

Cinema Group

Enjoy the latest films at The Stag in Sevenoaks and get a reduced price on a 2 for 1 deal.

Coffee Mornings

In addition to the Monthly Coffee mornings with Speaker, we also hold smaller coffee mornings in members’ homes to enable more ladies to get to know each other.

Country Walks

Every month a different short or long walk. Boots, wellies or other suitable footwear is recommended.

Garden Visits

The monthly garden visits explore the many beautiful gardens we are fortunate to have within striking distance


Catering for all levels.

Knit and Stitch

Meet twice a month to share and practice handicrafts of all types.

Ladies who Lunch

Get to know other members over lunch and enjoy good food together

Mah Jong

Beginners and experienced players welcome. We play Hong Kong rules’ mahjong. Instruction available for those new to the game.


We have a Spanish conversation group for members who are able to converse in Spanish as well as a group open for all levels (including beginners) with native Spanish speaker.


Social tennis played at Clarendon Tennis Club.

Theatre Group

Regular visits to theatre, ballet, exhibitions and other cultural events.